IPSLEI Academic Institution Affiliations
Bachelor and Graduate Level Institutions

The University of Phoenix (UOP) offers up to 7.5 upper division credit hours in the category of elective interdisciplinary studies applicable towards a Bachelor Degree.
Credit hours for IPSLEI students not currently enrolled at UOP, but who have successfully completed an IPSLEI course and all required academic work, may only be obtained after successful admission to the University.
A lowered admission fee and per credit hour tuition may be available to IPSLEI students.

Southern Illinois University’s (SIU) Fire Management degree program offers 6 credit hours towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Service Management for successful completion of FSM 305 (IPSLEI Course 1) and FSM 405 (IPSLEI Course 2).
SIU also offers 6 credit hours to towards a Master of Science degree in Fire Service Management for successful completion of FSM 513 (IPSLEI Course 3) and FSM 514 (IPSLEI Course 4). The IPSLEI Personal Leadership Assessment Capstone project is an academic requirement of FSM 514.
Credit hours may be obtained through attendance at an SIU scheduled course offering for students currently enrolled with SIU. Credit hours for IPSLEI students not currently enrolled but who have successfully completed an IPSLEI course and all required academic work, may only be obtained after successful admission to the University.
Gary Kistner, Program Coordinator/Director of Graduate Studies
Fire Service Management
Southern Illinois University –Carbondale

Brandman University (BU), part of the Chapman University System, offers up to 12 credit hours, for completion of all 4 IPSLEI courses, towards a Bachelor of Art in Organizational Leadership within the School of Business and Professional Studies.
If the Brandman University admission requirements are met, then ISPLEI Courses One, Two, and Three may be counted towards a total of 9-units of special topics elective courses (OCLU 320). ISPLEI Course Four may be counted in lieu of OCLU 325.
Students must complete all four ISPSLEI courses to include successful completion of all academic papers and the IPSLEI Personal Leadership Assessment Capstone project.
Currently this offer is at no cost to the student. Brandman admission requirements must be fulfilled before transferring any IPSLEI curriculum courses.