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 Governing Guidelines

IPSLEI Guidelines for

Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure

April 2022

IPSLEI Guide for

Professional Conduct and Interactions

April 2022

        James McGregor Burns in his book titled Leadership said “One of the most universal cravings of our time is a hunger for compelling and creative leadership” (Burns, 1978). Now nearly 40 years later the craving seems to be stronger than ever. But, where does one find that leadership? IPSLEI believes that that kind of leadership can be developed, nurtured, and exercised by individuals through an exploration of leadership rich in the studies of the humanities with an equally deep examination of the practical application of the exercise of leadership.


        Time and again students have found IPSLEI to be a profound personal and professional experience leading to changes in their focus and approach to the exercise of ethical leadership. IPSLEI represents a lifelong commitment to learning about the exercise of leadership in self, others, organizations, and the communities in which we live and work. IPSLEI is by and for individuals who serve the public safety. IPSLEI is richly supported by our academic partner, Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Leadership Studies, through which we blend the world of critical thinking with the world of practical application.

     As a 501 (c)(3) non-profit entity, the International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Institute(IPSLEI) is reliant on the goodwill and altruistic motives of many volunteers to promote excellence in the exercise of ethical leadership. As such, professional and personal respect of these efforts is paramount.


     To protect and respect the many hours given by IPSLEI members to generate products and by-products for use by IPSLEI, these work efforts are considered proprietary and copyrighted. Use of these products is intended to be in a non-compete manner. IPSLEI facilitators, staff, and members of the Board of Directors agree to promote IPSLEI activities as such and not to do so for personal or organizational gain. Further, IPSLEI facilitators agree to notify IPSLEI staff whenever an IPSLEI program is to be presented and to coordinate for procuring IPSLEI copyrighted content.


     As IPSLEI is a personal and organizational development entity, often sensitive matters may be discussed both within and outside of a formal classroom or presentation setting. All IPSLEI facilitators, staff, Board of Directors, and students are held to the highest tenets of confidentiality and non-disclosure of sensitive conversations.


     IPSLEI Staff, Board of Directors, and curriculum developers must embrace a position of non-disclosure of any IPSLEI products or activities in consideration or development prior to release as approved by the Board of Directors. Discussions within an IPSLEI Board meeting are private conversations until such time that the minutes of the meeting are approved by the Board.

     Facilitators and student work evaluators must adhere to the privacy rights of students. Grades or student work product evaluations are considered private and may not be disclosed to anyone other than the student, co-evaluators, or co-facilitators. Students may, in writing, provide permission for release of their grades or work products.

     As loose lips equate to sinking the ship, disregarding the need to respect the trust of others in sustaining confidentiality will not sink one ship, but rather lead to the loss of the whole fleet.



     The International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Institute (IPSLEI) strives to promote excellence in the exercise of ethical leadership for those who serve in public safety. IPSLEI is a collaborative of professionals from many walks of life who serve as facilitators, staff, students, educators, and advocates alike. As such, all IPSLEI affiliates must strive to the highest levels of professional conduct.

     IPSLEI is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that supports and protects human dignity, non-discrimination, and inclusivity in all endeavors and by all engaged in IPSLEI activities. Harassment of any type is contrary to the actions of ethical leadership and is not tolerated by IPSLEI members.


     To meet our moral and professional duties, IPSLEI will promote an environment that is non- discriminatory, open to all regardless of actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, pregnancy, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, political affiliation, and any other classification or status protected by law.

     IPSLEI will not tolerate discourse that detracts from or maligns any person's right to be always treated with respect and dignity. Open dialogue is a cornerstone to IPSLEI events. It Is the responsibility of all IPSLEI participants to conduct themselves and interact in a manner consistent with high professional standards that promote balancing advocacy with inquiry within a nurturing learning environment.

     IPSLEI participants have personal and professional mandates to intervene whenever an abuse of human dignity, discrimination, or a failure of inclusivity occurs. Any participant who believes, in good faith, that the participant has been discriminated against, harassed, or subjected to retaliation, or who has observed harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, is encouraged to promptly report such conduct to an IPSLEI facilitator, staff, or member of the Board of

     As ethical leadership is another cornerstone of IPSLEI, all participants and affiliates are expected to uphold high standards and be the model of ethical leadership for others to replicate within
IPSLEI, our communities, agencies, and personal endeavors.

     Participants in any IPSLEI activity accept the above guidelines as representative of the values and beliefs of IPSLEI as well as themselves in all endeavors.

Let us each lead through inclusion, appreciating the differences in us all as a fundamental stone of our desires for excellence in ourselves, our families, our agencies, and our communities.



International Public Safety Leadership & Ethics Institute
A 501(c)(3) non-profit public safety industry collaborative (20-3002065)

Founded in 2005

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